Join Winnie On The Weekly Twitter Party!
Use your favorite Twitter application and follow the hashtag #WinnieSun. It will be a Q&A session with a panel of experts answering a series of questions about the tweetchat topic. We encourage you to participate and join the conversation! Please follow all the participants, retweet your favorite comments, and remember to add the hashtag #WinnieSun. But most of all, have fun!
Countdown to our next Tweetchat!
Weekly Tweet chat information
The weekly updated topic information and questions.
It all starts with you.
Thanks so much for your interest in being featured as an expert panelist on the #WinnieSun Tweetchat! You’re going to love our tweetchat family!
Tweetchats are hosted on Wednesdays at 11:00 am PT / 2:00 pm ET on Twitter, with a LIVE tweechat recap with Winnie broadcasted at 1:00 pm PT / 4:00 pm ET.